About: Sofia Mile Littorin

Photographer based in Stockholm Sweden. 
Sofia has always had a passion of creating imagery. She want´s to combine art and commerce, create emotions with her images. 
Sofia works with both still picture and movie , she use daylight if it´s possible or experiment with light setups. 
Always curious about new work challenges…

 Education: Kommersiell Fotograf,  Fotoskolan STHLM
 Exhibitions: Add Noise, Temporärt, Stockholm.

Antic Mallorca, Guardio Safety, Flexnutrition, Märta Larsson, Chaleca knitwear, Fontana, Matsilver.se, Michaelberglund, Ekerö kommun. Lonndue, Chameleon Sweden. 


Sofia Mile Littorin freelancing Photographer.
